Okie Calls RV!!! "This Day In RV History" – OOM Calls it on both Aug 26 2011 & Aug 26 2012!!!

HAT TIP:  Anonymous Email / Archive: Dinar Recaps Aug 26, 2011

NEW Feedback already received – posted at the bottom!!!

Well, we know how much you love our feature “This Day In RV History” and we have not posted a new episode for a little while, so what the heck, when we got this email in, we could not resist posting.

We especially liked the sender’s observation about “Ghost” Posts being exactly the same as “OOM” posts…..  Well, as you may remember a while back we posted the article originally found on IraqiDinarMoney.com’s website which EXPOSED Beth Ogle as being the person/brains behind Okie Oil Man, Bulldog75, Miskebam and Bondlady!!! [LINK]

First you will see that Okie called the RV on August 26, 2012, then the Second post below is Okie calling the RV on August 26, 2011….  It just can’t get any better than that as a complete display of HIPROCRACY!!!  Furthermore, you will note that Okie also DEFENDS ‘INTEL’ in the second post….  

So, who you going to believe???  Ghost-busters that’s who!!!  LOL!!!

~ Mr. IQD

TODAY:  AUGUST 26, 2012 OOM POST (with comment by emailer):

Hmmmm, isn’t it quite the coincidence that “Ghost” makes exactly
the same Continue reading

This Day In RV History – Hack Guru BGG calls RV – Then & Now!!! LOL!!!

HAT TIP:  DinarRecaps (Archive July 9, 2011)  and  DinarGuru (Today, July 9, 2012)

Well Friends, we understand the irony that we are quoting from DinarRecaps a year ago, who was quoting DinarGuru from a year ago, and also DinarGuru from Today!

The funny thing about this Hack, is a year ago, he said his “Pentagon source” said it happened THAT DAY!!!  A year later, it sounds like he listened in on a popular  Team’s Conference Call from last night, and is basically recapping the News that was read!

But, here is the true irony….  According to IraqiDinarMoney.com – Beth Ogle has control over BOTH of these websites and many of their “Hack Gurus”….  Now, isn’t that a LAUGH!  Here is the post about that if you are curious!  🙂

~ Mr. IQD

DinarRecaps (Archive July 9, 2011)

7-9-2011  Guru BGG   “From an “unnamed former senior white house official”….maybe Monday or Tuesday.”   I have actually heard from a Pentagon source that today was the day, from an Iraqi working in the CBI that they were gearing up to exchange out for lower denoms on Monday (inferring an RV)

DinarGuru (Today, July 9, 2012)

7-9-2012  Newshound/Intel Guru BGG  Al-Iraqiya has nominated numerous candidates and Maliki has shot them all down (in the past). Now Maliki’s bunch are making noise like they want to get these candidates in place and no one is buying their sincerity. They are out for “scalps”.   This is likely one of the pivotal issue that must get solved for Maliki to remain. As I have said the last few days – looks like the alliance is much stronger than they were letting on.  Here are some interesting headlines, “Announcement Of Candidates For Defense & Interior Ministries Next WEEK.”  Very interesting comments by Maliki’s group – my guess is they are too late…should Maliki decide to “roll the dice” in Parliament, we’re still a little ways off.

BREAKING NEWS!!! This Day In RV History – June 27, 2011 (yes, we said 2011) Okie said the RV has happened…. LOL!!!

HAT TIP:  DinarRecaps.com (June 27, 2011 post)

Hello Friends,

We are going to use the power of the internet to start pointing out the absurdity of some of our favorite “Hack Gurus” who continuously “call it” every other day/week.

We are going to call this new feature of the Mr. IQD website the:

“This Day In RV History”!

To launch this new feature, we are going to use our favorite lier and hack guru, Okie the Oil Man (aka OOM, Okie, Beth Ogle, Bondlady, Bulldog75, Miskebam) – yes, if you are new here, they are all the same related person behind these identities, “Beth Ogle” please stand up and be recognized by the Dinarian Community for the scum you are and have been!

So, the below text was taken today, June 27, 2012 from the DinarRecaps archive, dated the same day, but was posted 1 year ago on June 27, 2011

We also documented by screen shot this posting, just in case their webmaster decides to “change” or “delete” it, you will still be able to see what was originally posted a year ago!

So, if you are new to the Dinar Community – welcome, and now you can see what a fraud these “Hack Gurus” really when they call for an RV and claim to have “credibility”!!!

~ Mr. IQD

The post as given on DinarRecaps archive for 1 year ago today June 27, 2011 is:

OKIEOILMAN CHAT ROOM = The latest news is this: The RV has been started by The CBI. The rate will be posted soon…no one knows exactly when but it should be before the 30th. There will not be any newer news than that until the rate is posted. If someone tells you anything different it is probably 100% BS

(click image to view full size)




ANNOUNCEMENT… Dinar Daddy Breaks Opinion Silence!!!

HAT TIP: Dinar Daddy

We welcome another Friend in our Dinarian Community who is willing to speak Out!

We hope that Dinar Daddy will also join us in “shouting down” those ridiculous Hack Gurus (especially those that were created by Beth Ogle) who bring harm, heartache and extreme stress to our fellow Dinarians!!! 😉


~ Mr. IQD


I have thought about it for quite some time but have come to the conclusion I need to end much of my silence and start commenting on subjects within the Dinar-following community that need true clarification and explanation. So many are confused and/or mislead and need help.

I will be providing a weekly analysis through my online radio program, Tidbits Radio. I intend to take on one MAJOR subject each week. Some will be controversial… others will be long-overdue explanations and info-share… yet more will be extremely Continue reading

HOT STEEMY NEWS UNRAVELING BETH OGLE – a.k.a. "Okie Oil Man"; "Bondlady" and Miskebam – SHOCKING!!!

HAT TIP:    IraqiDinarMoney.com

  • DinarFacts says:

    I have found wonderful information that ties these groups in with many others! I missed it at first, but with the new intel people have been providing me, I’ve got it and it is SHOCKING! I’m confirming one last item and then I’ll post the results!

  • johnny b. says:

    Just another day in dinarland! No one knows what’s really happening because they have all been wrong, every time! Kevin is right, read what Bulldog posts, its all jibberish and all talk about highly favored and blessed, never anything of substance. When someone asks him a pointed question that he doesn’t want to answer he brushes it aside.

    Look at todays post, Bulldog was asked a question about this being ready any moment now since he was reporting for the GET team many months ago and also about if he agrees with the rate of $42.00. His answer is that rates don’t matter, yet he goes on to talk about how high the rate is and continues to talk about the rate constantly in his post. I don’t know if what all of the Intel givers are doing is illegal but I do believe that it improper and unethical to continually give out info that has never been correct and to raise the hopes of so many that are in desperate need of this RV.

    As Okie and Bulldog continually say ” their Intel is ahead of the curve”, well to me it says they are wrong before anyone else is wrong. Please stop the hype and get your egos in check and know that many people hang on to every word you say, because they believe in you. This goes out to all of the Intel providers not just Okie and his site.

  • Kevin says:

    I researched and I am amazed. A con artist never changes. The other name on the OOM chat room or dinarrecaps as well as guru is Bulldog75. He always comes on when Okie makes another mistake and tries to smooth it over. He is the 1st one on recaps I saw this morning. He always makes no sense when he posts and talks gibberish. And always uses Christianity as is fall back. Who is he???? Or is just another name for Okie?? Look at the what he wrote on recaps today.

  • KTF says:

    Oh, it’s illegal and the Internet Crimes Unit is on it now. Beth Ogle can post all the warnings she likes, but doesn’t mean a thing when your running a scheme like this! They will tie it all together, review logs, question people and in the end, you’ll see a big case making the news.

    Go to Oklahoma Business Search, select the advanced search option, then look for the last name of the person or business you’re interested in and you’ll see fantastic intel! Nuff Said!

    Oh man, forgot to add FREELS ENTERPRISE, LLC, uses NV to register businesses as well.

    I think there is a link here between WILLIAM HERZOG and ESTHER SPYRA, anyone got an idea? Flying in low… 


HAT TIP:  Anonymous Email

Hello Fellow Dinarians! 

Oil ManToday we were made aware of the really good investigative work done by www.IraqiDinarMoney.com – it looks like they HATE “Hack” Gurus, especially Okie Oil Man, as much as we do!!!

BTW, did you know that “Bondlady” and “Miskebam” are the same person???  HaHaHa!!!  Enjoy this read!

Read the email clip below that was sent to us – it does an extremely good job of summarizing “who” the real OOM is!!!  LOL!!!  Then, check out their www.IraqiDinarMoney.com website for additional documentation!

The “Hunt” is on to “take down” these Hack Gurus!!!  Have a Tip, be sure to send it in!

~ Mr. IQD

NOTE: Only slight formatting changes were made below to the original email sent to us.

Date: Tue, 1 May 2012 11:04:31 -0400


cgal says:
April 30, 2012 at 9:11 pm

It’s pretty cut and dry, don’t you think?
See my comment below, I explain it all. Summed up, Beth Ogle owns all these sites and makes a fortune off referrals and more. She creates all these sites and then finds people like Okie to spin lies about the RV.

She hid behind the vale of secrecy using religion as her way to manipulate the innocent until iraqidinarmoney exposed the evil. Once she realized that her network of dinar pumping sites were obvious and formed one of the biggest schemes on the internet, she panicked and tried to delete incriminating Continue reading