Prepare Yourself Better with my “Post RV” Survival Tips & Hack Guru Warnings!

Happy Thursday Dinarians,

Yesterday we had a really good discussion on our Skype “Hack Guru Room” Group Board – and I decided that it would be a good idea to share it with you to help you better prepare yourself for “Post RV” and the GARBAGE you will be getting from the Hack Gurus, especially from idiots like: Tony TNT, Okie, Blaino, Adam Montana, Bondlady, Breitling, Dan Atkinson, Dave Schmidt, and etc.!

If you too wish to participate in my Skype “Hack Guru Room” Group, it is FREE and all you need to do is go to this LINK and follow the instructions. 

[9/3/2014 3:10:52 PM] Mr. IQD: @ Everone – Please don’t ever mention how much IQD you are holding – not here, not anywhere! The “wronge” people have long memories for facts like that, and they will use it to their advantage later on, if given the chance.
[9/3/2014 3:11:39 PM] Peter W: Good point Mr IQD.
[9/3/2014 3:16:47 PM] Mr. IQD: @ Everyone – I actually take it a step further – I don’t tell anyone I work with or in my Family that I hold Dinar. There are only a very few people that are really close to me, who also hold dinar, that even know that I have some for myself. I do this because Post RV, every person I would have told, that said I’m crazy and to buzz off, will be back calling me and asking me for Money! Well, I don’t want that problem. So, I’m very careful, and I encourage you to be so also.
[9/3/2014 3:18:13 PM] Blackrose: Neither did I Mr. IQD
[9/3/2014 3:23:00 PM] Mr. IQD: @ Everyone – If you have already told all your friends and family and blabbed to everyone that you got Dinar – hopefully you never told them exactly how much! At this point you can talk alot about it being hopeless and that you are thinking of selling back some (or all) of it.  You can also try just telling them that you got “some” like a few hundred thousand IQD, and that was all. Don’t tell them that you purchased more than that if at all possible.  This way, if you live modestly, and don’t fill your new Mansion with Ferraris you can live a comfortable life.  They will not hound you for more, maybe you gift them say the legal amount of aprox $15,000 USD and they and you don’t need to pay tax on that amount. And you can then tell them that is all you can afford since you only had a little IQD.
[irrelevant content removed]
[9/3/2014 3:26:41 PM] Mr. IQD: @ Bill – I recommend you listen to the IQD Team Connection’s call “post RV” they will be compiling all the rules, locations, etc. The BEST strategy you can have immediately after the “RV” is to be normal, don’t do anything, stay calm. If you have a few bucks in your bank account, take a vacation – to just get used to the idea of now being RICH!  There are articles on my website which I re-posted – you can also Search for “Sudden Wealth Syndrome SWS” and learn more about how to overcome the shock of being suddenly wealthy!  

The fact is – SWS will cause

60% to 80% of people to loose

all of their money within

only 6 to 9 months!!!

[9/3/2014 3:29:04 PM] Mr. IQD: So, educate yourself and thereby protect yourself from being a victim of SWS!!!   It is a real problem and we will hear horror stories “post rv” from our Dinarian Friends – please don’t be one of those who tell a sad story “post RV”.
[9/3/2014 3:29:30 PM] Blackrose: Good advice Mr. IQD
[9/3/2014 3:30:05 PM] Bill: i heard that when the RV hits..they will start with a “sucker rate” to get it started is that true?
[9/3/2014 3:31:21 PM] Mr. IQD: maybe – who knows – and what if that “sucker rate” is $1.00 USD to 1.00 IQD??? I’ll be a sucker at a 1:1 rate – but, I will only cash in a small amount to take the immediate pressure off.  Dr. Shabibi a few years back talked about the CBI bringing in the rate which would be close to that of Kuwait’s current rate. – But, it may start 1:1 then via a managed float (which Shabibi also talked about) work its way up to a 3:1 rate, which could take a few years. I’ll wait for that. 🙂
[9/3/2014 3:33:58 PM] Bill: okay…sounds like we are on the same page
[9/3/2014 3:37:11 PM] Mr. IQD: The key is to be patient, own what you can afford, and “Post RV” don’t rush to do ANYTHING!!! The hack gurus will be throwing out all kinds of GREAT Stories trying to convince you they have the best rates, and they are the only ones, etc. Forget them – they are all liars and con artists in my opinion, which is supported by the gross amount of lies they have told their followers over the years! Once it is a currency with a high value, like the Saudi Rial, or the Kuwaiti Dinar – you will NOT have any trouble finding local Banks and Currency Exchange Counters at the Airport to take your IQD.
[9/3/2014 3:39:43 PM] Bill: true…I am sure the airport or any other legal currency exchange place would be a save bet – but we might get a smaller price for these places…but I would be okay with that
[9/3/2014 3:42:42 PM] Peter W: Even with a “sucker rate” i would be happy
[9/3/2014 3:44:39 PM] Mr. IQD: The Airport Exchange counters have always been expensive – I’m going to go to the Banks first, after checking the current Buy/Sell rate on the official website for the CBI ( and then go from there. I belive after waiting a few weeks “post rv” the Bank’s personnel will be trained and up to speed with the IQD and what that Bank will be willing to offer. Since I intend to purchase some real estate post rv, I will be putting down at least 20% and financing the difference – so, with mention of that at the time I’m negotiating the IQD exchange rate for myself – well, I’m sure you can guess what the Bank will do!

Please also note that I have posted many Articles over these few years on how to PROTECT YOURSELF “Post RV” from Con Artists, Scams, etc.  – Just search under the categories: “How To Avoid Investing Scams” as well as “Post RV Survival Tips“.  

Now that I feel that “again” we are drawing near to the significant increase in value of the Iraqi Dinar – Maliki is GONE (yea!) and Abadi is seating his Cabinet and forming the new GOI, as well as having the new CBI Governor nominated – friends, I will be posting more “post rv” survival tips and info.

~ Mr. IQD


LJ’s Election Update for Wed, May 14th 2014 – A MUST READ!!!

Happy Wednesday Dinarians,

Last night LJ and the IQD Team had a really good Conference Call – I strongly urge you to go listen to that call either by phone or online.  

The IQD Team Connection - Logo

Today, LJ posted his comments and analysis of the newest News Articles put out today, which adds to his analysis from their call last night.  Here is his update, which is VITAL for you to read and share with other Dinarians in our community.

[12:43:01 PM | LJ’s NEXT Step: *********

Reportedly Maliki/ state of law party has harvested roughly 1 million votes in the Iraq 2014 elections. Why is this relevant? Well, most don’t understand the complexity that goes into seat distribution in a 328 member parliamentary body. It is not business as usual as the Sainte-Laguë system changes the game. It has been mentioned time and again that not one party in Iraq’s recent parliamentary elections have been able to achieve more than 80 seats; making it virtually impossible for  Maliki to return as prime minster for reasons i explained on the call last night. Also it is vital to utilize a little math to best approach the insignificance of Maliki’s often mentioned one million votes.

Fact: 20 million represents the number of registered voters in Iraq of 34 million souls.

Fact: 60%, of the above number represents 12 million eligible voters who participated on April 30, 2014.

Fact: the seats obtained by parties will be instrumental in determining by majority who will prove, by consensus, to be selected and accepted as the next prime minister of Iraq.

Factually about 11 million votes in Iraq were not cast for Maliki, that’s the lion’s share of votes, which represents Continue reading

JOKE!!! #1GOORU has a “crossed the road” joke…

Happy Thursday Dinarians!

To lighten up the atmosphere every now and again I’ll put out some humor on my site, I call it my “Coffee Break Comedy”.

Why did the [ _______ ] cross the road?

Why did the [ _______ ] cross the road?

Well, I ran across #1GOORU’s “crossed the road” joke he/she had sent over to my Mail Bag and I felt it was a good enough of a “groaner” to post it here for you-all….

Anonymous Name / Handle: #1GOORU
Comment: I asked a well-known buffoon “Why did the hack guru cross the road?”


To which he replied in an Oklahoma drawl,


“Cause legal coun-sell dictates we all-ways cross our roads….
‘n dot our T’s.”


Nuff said…

It may not make Comedy Central – but I want to thank you #1GOORU because it did make me laugh and put a bounce in my step for the day!

Got a good joke?  Send it to me!

~ Mr. IQD




RANT! #1GOORU uncovers Okie’s new scam on his sheeple!

Happy Wednesday Dinarians,

Well, I have to apologize to #1GOORU who sent this to me the other day, and based on his/her comments it was a time sensitive to December 9th.  


But, no worries, it is still just as relevant, and a good example of just how crazy our Hack Gurus have become!

Please stop and read this right now if you are not aware of what happened today !
This is just too ingenious to describe.
Go to Dinar Re(C)raps and see Okie’s latest blog to the UST dated 12/9/2013.
Then skim over all the new praise and glory comments.
Seems the world has a new savior—OKIE !

A little history to back this up: The hacks have been blaming the Continue reading

RANT! #1GOORU questions why the Hack Gurus have not been Arrested yet!

Happy “hump day” Dinarians,

Well, tomorrow is Turkey Day so I’ve decided to double-down today with a good thought provoking Rant! by our friend and contributor #1GOORU.


Anonymous Name / Handle: #1GOORU
Comment: I was trying to send you a few questions and my screen went down, don’t know what you got, if anything.

Wondering how long the authorities are going to allow this nonsense to continue?

Don’t you think at some point the three letter agencies would stop these jokers from Continue reading

RANT! “VJ” compares Tony TNT Renfrow of being the next Jim Jones!

Happy Monday Dinarians!

Well, did it RV yet?  LOL!!!  So much for all the Hack Guru Rhetoric – huh!!!

Now, don’t get me wrong, I wish it would RV “tomorrow” just like anyone else in this community – but I also have been wishing this for 3+ years!  So, now I’m just interested more in the facts and probabilities, and not some cockeyed intel by some Hack Guru!


Speaking of which, I received this excellent RANT! by someone calling themselves “VJ” and he/she is making a comparison between Tony TNT and the famous Cult Leader Jim Jones – here, read for yourself below… Enjoy!

Name or Handle: VJ
Comment (please see note above): I was booted off of Tony’s forum. I just got back from Kuwait. I went to the international currency bank. My friend there has Continue reading

RANT! “So Aware” is aware of the Hack Guru Sitcom!

Hello Dinarians,

Well, sometimes I get outstanding commentary that deserves more of a spotlight than just being a reply / response to a post.


This is one Rant! which deserves its own post – so, here you go…  Enjoy!

So Aware commented on Rant! Outsider calls out Dinar Rec(r)aps for being irresponsible!

“There’s nothing left to wait for. It’s all done. No one is holding this up. If Maliki doesn’t give the right speech then CL and the IMF will force it to happen.”

Just some of the drivel spouted over the last week by TNT, Okie, Omega2, TD, and all the others that are part of this Continue reading

Rant! Southern Shaker Drives it Home!

Howdy Dinarians,

This great man, Southern Shaker, really spent a lot of time writing his post and I’m so proud to be able to post it here for you.  

Rant!His story of his journey of being duped by the Hack Gurus really drives home the point that any one of us can be subject to falling for their lies and tactics!

Name / Handle – Not Required:
Comment: I’m not a rich man by NO means but I earn 6 figures yearly so I’m comfortable. I’m a 66 1/2 year old independent trucker and have been right at 48 years except for 3 tours in Viet Nam 1967, 68 and 69. Started trucking in 1965 in Mississippi. I live in [removed to preserve confidentiality], and have for 13 years.

My wife is from here and I love NWA. It’s the only recession proof place in America. Wal-Mart, Tysons, JB Hunt, PAM trucking, Willis Shaw Trucking and so forth. I bought dinars about 3 years ago because a friend told me of them.

The friend also told me of and I started monitoring the site. It has been the same thing day in and day out. I notice now how they start the easy build up to RV on Mon – Tues then work it harder Wed – Thurs then slam it hard for Continue reading

RANT! DinarHawk Sounds Off!

Hello Dinarians,

Here is another great Rant! sent to us by one of our regular readers!


Anonymous Name / Handle: dinarhawk
Comment: Why aren’t there more sites like this one that will actually post anyone’s opinion about this nonsense that has drug on for years and years? it seems like all of the pro dinar sites only post positive comments… Continue reading