Trusts, Hedge Funds and LLCs – Oh My!

Hello our Dinarian Buddies!

This post is a WARNING about these hack gurus, and even some who have recently been investigated by the FBI because of their involvement in selling these Trusts, Hedge Funds, Corporate Entities like LLCs, Off-Shore and any other variation!

In general, almost all of us in the Dinarian Community DO NOT NEED ANY OF THESE!!! Especially before the RV!!!

After the RV, depending on your situation, you may need one of these sophisticated financial vehicles!  But, keep reading, because you may not need any of them at all…

To get started, as a rule of thumb, take Warren Buffet’s advice he personally always follows: “I never invest in something that I don’t understand!

So, ask yourself, why am I investing in a hedge fund, or trust with someone I don’t even really know, just someone who keeps using God’s name in vein and is blasphemously asks for us to believe in him while he is picking our pockets!

Did you know that one of these hack “gurus” recently was busted by the FBI for fraud and taking over $3million Dollars of “Dinarian Investor’s” money in a Continue reading