RANT! Snoopy discusses the Swiss Franc event & Hack Guru Lies!

TGIF Dinarians,

Wow, it has been an EXCITING week – not only did we finally see Iraq’s Parliament finish reading for the 2nd time the Budget, with an announcement that they will vote and pass it next Tuesday, Jan 20th, but in addition to that we saw the Swiss Franc un-peg their currency from the Euro, which caused a lot of shock and excitement in Europe!

Well, today we have our friend Snoopy to talk a little more… Ok, RANT! a little more about how the event with the Swiss Franc just proves what we have been saying about those Hack Gurus…. ENJOY!

Rant!Mr. IQD:

This comment is regarding your response to the recent news about the Swiss Franc, the IMF not knowing about it before it happened and strangely why maybe the Hack gurus really don’t know what’s going on!

Your point you make is well taken and that has been my concern all along with these ones who are better known in Dinar land as “Hack Gurus” or as I like to call them “Dime-store Dinar Slingers”.  These same Dinar Slingers, who claim they have privileged inside information that the rest of us don’t is such an absolute farce.  Unfortunately, their making it public about their connections to the 3-letter agencies is incredibly hilarious and if it weren’t hurting so Continue reading


HAT TIP:  Anonymous Email (from a high level Broker in the Financial Planning Industry)

We wanted to republish this article about WSG merging with Transamerica, not because we want to bore you with this kind of news!

Really, what caught our eye, was the facts listed in the third-to-last paragraph, pointing out that LICENSED FINANCIAL PLANNERS are committing FRAUD and PONZI schemes!!! 

You must ALWAYS be careful with whom you invest with, and hire as your financial planner.  Our best rule-of-thumb advice is interview several people from several companies, and pick a few people to work with, splitting up your investments – just in case one of them is a crook!!!  PLEASE SHARE THIS ARTICLE!  🙂

~ Mr. IQD 

Insurance B/D to Shutter, Transfers Reps to Transamerica

Apr 18, 2012 12:00 PM, By Diana Britton

World Securities Group tops the list of broker migration in the first quarter of 2012, terminating its FINRA filings and merging with Transamerica Financial Advisers.

Insurance broker/dealer World Securities Group (WSG) has merged its operations with Continue reading